Customer Testimonials

“Fast, courteous, and professional at all times. Always helpful and (we) wouldn’t think of entrusting our deliveries to any other courier.” — Engineering Firm

Engineering Firm Testimonial

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Courier service Houston for same day delivery that specializes in LESS THAN ONE HOUR SERVICE. We are Houston’s reliable same day delivery messenger specializing in and is still in hot pursuit of supplying the type of fast same day delivery in Houston that all clients of courier/delivery companies expect. We have been doing super fast delivery of pallets, flowers, gifts, parcels, freight, lunches, rolls of plans/mylars, thumb drives, letters, crates, boxes, personal items, computers to and from offices since 1980 and have done over 4.67 million same day deliveries since then. We have professional delivery drivers and notaries that have a total of over 507 years delivery experience in hot shot, courier, messenger work and same day delivery in HoustonContinue Reading

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Hour’s same day Courier & Messenger Hot Shot Delivery Service is helping Houston’s deliveries get where they need in ONE HOUR or LESS!! Dubbed as the ” True Expediters of Houston” and written up in the Houston Business Journal , we supply one hour and less ‘expedited’ super fast same day courier messenger delivery in Houston and Southeast Texas area plus have 13 other services to best suit the client’s need. We had a very successful holiday season and gearing up 2024 tax deadlines.. Online clients love the ease of navigating our website menu page.. Many new clients that have found us on Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Google, MSN, Ask Jeeves, Mozilla Firefox, Bing ,Yahoo, KUHF, Yelp, AOL, Super Pages, Craig’s List, Yellow pages, GoContinue Reading

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